Paloma Merodio Gómez
Paloma Merodio is the Vice President at National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI). She carries a degree in Economics from ITAM and Master in Public Administration in International Development from Harvard University.
In April 2017, she was appointed Vice President of the INEGI Governing Board. For five years she was President of the United Nations Regional Committee on Global Geospatial Information Management for the Americas. During the eleventh session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management, held in August 2021, she was elected World Co-Chair of this committee. She worked at the Ministry of Social Development as General Director of Evaluation and Monitoring of Social Programs and served at the Mexican Institute of Social Security as Coordinator of Strategic Research.
She has been a consultant for the World Bank in Indonesia, and for the International Finance Corporation (IFC) on evaluation issues. She has volunteered at BRAC, Bangladesh, at the Mexican Children's Fund, Grameen Bank and at IMSS Volunteering. Her interests lie in generating accessible, high-quality information for decision-making in a timely manner.