Miriam González
Miriam González has collaborated with the world's most innovative Space and Geospatial companies to develop strategic partnerships to benefit the Geospatial industry and help solve Earth's challenges.
Miriam is involved in a variety of Geospatial initiatives such as Geochicas, which she promotes to encourage women's participation, leadership and knowledge sharing in the Geospatial spaces. She is an advocate of OsGeo, OpenStreetMap and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap (HOTOSM) as a Voting Member, and she was President of the Board of Directors 2019-2021. Miriam was also part of the FIRE project (Forum for Innovation and Research in European Earth Observation) as an EO Evangelist, coordinated by the European Commission.
Currently, Miriam is involved in Earth Observation, Data Analytics and Open Data initiatives where she participates by giving conferences, workshops and coordinating efforts among key players. Miriam is passionate about how Space, Geospatial data and Earth Observation technologies can change the world.